Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer's here!

We're out and about on this
first day of summer!

Moose is all about the running and jumping,
and playing with his jollyball......
can't keep up with this dog.
It's a good thing he does take
a break now and then.

 There's a beautiful thing going on
in my yard this year....
a redesigned garden.
My hubby staked-out the four compass
points & we have a star garden plot!
Much easier to plant and take care of,
this idea was long overdue.

 Impatients, bee balm & lily attract those hummingbirds!

 My hydrangas are the best they have ever been.
 Old fashioned and a lace-cap, known as "Blue Willow".

I can't stop taking a gaze at the lavender but
not to look and smell the flowers.....
it's because of the bees!

They work so hard,
all day long, for a small sampling of that
delicious nectar from the One and Only!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thank you for your sweet comment over at my blog! Yes, I'm doing ok. It's been a rough month. Lot's of personal stuff going on, but nothing that we can't get past. You are very sweet to check in and be concerned. It meant a lot to me.

    Your garden is gorgeous!!!! My husband and I put in our first real garden this year and we are having so much fun with it. It's good for the soul I think!

    Thank you again! Take care!!!
