We're out and about on this
first day of summer!
Moose is all about the running and jumping,
and playing with his jollyball......
can't keep up with this dog.
It's a good thing he does take
a break now and then.
There's a beautiful thing going on
in my yard this year....
a redesigned garden.
My hubby staked-out the four compass
points & we have a star garden plot!
Much easier to plant and take care of,
this idea was long overdue.
Impatients, bee balm & lily attract those hummingbirds!
My hydrangas are the best they have ever been.
Old fashioned and a lace-cap, known as "Blue Willow".
I can't stop taking a gaze at the lavender but
not to look and smell the flowers.....
it's because of the bees!
They work so hard,
all day long, for a small sampling of that
delicious nectar from the One and Only!