Monday, August 23, 2010

Our Annual Pilgrimage to -

Nothing beats the feel of tons and tons
of colored beads.
Grab a handful of glass, stone, plastic,
metal, ceramic, etc.
Oh what fun we had.
Trying to make the longest necklace in the world...
one bead at a time.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Finally I got him/her....

You know, I've been trying,
and trying to capture the alluring
monarch for most of the summer.
They're flirty and fast and busy
getting the most out of each flower.
But today, I got lucky...

There were others out this morning, too.

And the peaches are almost ready! Yummmm...

Thursday, August 19, 2010


What's the latest buzzzzzzzzz?

It's birthday-time. Guess who?

Still bringing sweet music to our ears all these years!

Friday, August 13, 2010

It's almost time for the grapes!

The garden is full of itself.
Busy bees, moths, butterflies & boys...

This year it should be fun making our own wine
with our resident novice winemaker.

And when it's all done,
we'll be ready for cookies and peaches and plums and much more!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's August and it's BEAUTIFUL!

This is the month when lots of
activity takes place....
in the garden...
in the house...
in the mind...