Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat....

and no one is getting fat...
not yet anyway.
Decorating is almost done.
The guys are keeping each other warm...
Cookies are beginning to get made.
Good 'ol St. Nick is keeping a close
eye on everyone, making sure we are
all being good.
One week from tonite we will all be
stuffed from the Christmas Eve dinner,
and will be awaiting the hour for mass,
and if all goes well........
Santa will have been here and joy will blanket our home.
Good night, and sleep tight, for now.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy, Happy, Snow, Snow

December 5 -
we all had such fun in the snow today.
We really weren't supposed to get more
than an inch and we got more than three!
Happy! Happy!
Joy! Joy!
It would be so nice if the snow stayed
around for a few days but not to be, says
the weatherman......
but he was wrong once and he can be
just as wrong again!
The heavy, wet snow just makes everything so
shiny and beautiful and magical!
Even the boys were happy to be up
to their bellies in the white stuff.
And Zuzu liked it on her nose, instead!