Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Patrick, my dear son!

I can think of no one who deserves an
OREO cookie cake for their birthday but you!
Eat it all up now before the big, bad Dad
beats you to it..........................oops, I forgot,
he only likes the original and not the

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Can you guess what time of year it is????????

Do you think you know?
it's time for the Little League World Series.....
right here in the central Susquehanna Valley......
in South Williamsport, Penna., right outside my
back door, well, not exactly right outside, maybe
just a fifteen minute drive up and down the
The hill in the outfield will look like this
for the next two weeks...............................

But who cares because Dugout will be there
every day! Yahoo!!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

She "assumes" only the very best!

I love Our Lady and this Saturday is Her Assumption.
Truly an exceptional feast day in the catholic church.
Today I will share my visions of the blessings she has given to me....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sunny Days of Sunflowers

I can't begin to tell you how happy sunflowers make me feel.
They have these wonderful "faces" that can turn your day around.

Hope all these faces turn your day into a smile!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Crafty days

Well, this is a crafty post.
Take a look at my new idea.
Cement leaves and they are a hoot to make.

Just love to try different colors on them.

Now for something completely different.
I had two really comfortable sweatshirts from
Cape May, NJ, that I couldn't part with because
they were so nice and soft.
After looking at them in the basement for years,
that's right, years, I decided to turn them into
pillows for the porch.
Ta-Da!~now every time I take a break, mostly
in my hammock, I will remember those wonderful
beach days in Cape May!

This pillow was made some

years ago and I really like the knitting

stitch I did. Of course, the yarn was pretty too.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Welcome to my...

Oh, how I love my garden.

In spite of all the weeds and bugs,
it is such a place of happiness and

There is a jungle where somebody
is always trying to hide and sneak
up on a prowler, like a chipmunk
or squirrel.

There's also a place for good luck!

Faded - yes - but not jaded.

Helping out the dear sweet singers of the
garden by offering them something cool
to drink.

What a lovely place to be.